all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0AA 25 6 53.511493 -2.156468
M35 0AE 19 0 53.510447 -2.159058
M35 0AF 16 0 53.510563 -2.159285
M35 0AG 23 0 53.508578 -2.165128
M35 0AH 18 0 53.510733 -2.160009
M35 0AJ 31 0 53.510256 -2.160776
M35 0AL 1 1 53.507249 -2.164399
M35 0AN 17 3 53.509662 -2.161181
M35 0AP 23 0 53.509587 -2.163533
M35 0AQ 37 0 53.509146 -2.164074
M35 0AR 5 1 53.508729 -2.164644
M35 0BH 4 3 53.505546 -2.172336
M35 0AS 10 4 53.508362 -2.16416
M35 0AU 22 0 53.508226 -2.165941
M35 0AW 25 1 53.510029 -2.161937
M35 0AX 43 0 53.507731 -2.166753
M35 0AY 25 1 53.50694 -2.166765
M35 0AZ 46 1 53.507478 -2.167144
M35 0BA 11 0 53.507219 -2.16657
M35 0BB 31 0 53.507334 -2.167867